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South Korea
All that you wanted to know about this country
We participate, we add photos, articles, the interesting facts and events from life of South Korea
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Purchases in Korea
Shops of Korea and goods to which it is worth paying attention
We add and discuss shops, online stores, auctions and goods.
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You share impressions - work of shops, customer service, quality of goods
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Exchange of experience
You already bought or ordered something from Korea? Your experience will be useful! You don't decide to make the order? Ask a question to skilled buyers!
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What did you want to ask?
Delivery. Payment. Registration of the order. Problems with the order.
1 9 Tuesday, 17.02.2015, 16:34
Thread: Delivery of any goods from S...
Posted by: Karpezin

Additional information
Visitors: 1  (members - 0, guests - 1)
All-time high attendance 5 reached on Friday, 08:34, 20.07.2018.
Forum statistics
Total of 1 threads created, which have 9 replies.
8 members registered. Greetings to our new member ghtrading600.